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Quick Reference Ruth B. Shpiner

Licensed developmental psychologist. Offering therapeutic services to parents and children.

Areas of Expertise

Anxiety, phobias, ADHD, ASD, sleep disorders, emotional difficulties, therapeutic work with parents.

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Online, Pardes hanna karkur, Tel-Aviv

    Pardes Hanna Karkur

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    English , Hebrew      0-9

About Ruth B. Shpiner

Licensed developmental psychologist. Specializes in parental guidance. Believes in creating an honest, collaborative environment to think through difficulties. Believes that small simple steps can create big movements and deeper connections in the parent-child relationship. In my work with children, I use play therapy techniques.

Academic Education

B.A (hon) in psychology - York university, Toronto, Canada. M.A in developmental psychology - Haifa university Dynamic psychotherapy for children and adolescents - Efroni center Schema therapy studies

contact Ruth B. Shpiner

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