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Quick Reference Kuti Samet

Clinical Psychologist - Specialist. Treating adolescents and adults, using dynamic orientations as well as contemporary cognitive-behavioral tools.

Areas of Expertise

Mental well-being, anxiety, melancholy/depression, post-trauma, coping with crisis, couple/parenting/family issues, loss and mourning , eating disorders

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    43 Emak Refaim St., entrance A. Jerusalem

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About Kuti Samet

Mental well-being, anxiety, melancholy/depression, post-trauma, coping with crisis, couple/parenting/family issues, loss and mourning , eating disorders

Academic Education

Master of Clinical Psychology (Hebrew University, Jerusalem)

Professional Experience

I am practicing since 2007, A specialist since 2015.

I have worked as a psychologist in Hadassah hospital, Jerusalem,between 2010 and 2017, in adults and adolescent psychiatric wards and clinics.

I have treated patients in Bait Ham, jerusalem, in yrs. 2010-2019.

Since 2012 I see clients privetely at my clinic.

contact Kuti Samet

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