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Quick Reference Ayala Giivaty

Therapy is a magical and shared journeyinto the depths of the soul, in order to create meanings, insights, connections, realease, acceptance, balance, strengthening and personal development.

Areas of Expertise

Anxiety and phobia, loss and mourning, trauma, life crises, low self esteem, stress, emotion regulation, suprvision and parantel guidance

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    Hagoren st. 3 BIinyamina

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    Hebrew, English

About Ayala Giivaty

Ayala Givaty is a Jungian analist in the International Association, and a member of the New Jungian Association. Ayala has experience in therapy for over 20 years. She receives patients at her apriate clinic in Binyamina and she is also a parent counselor and supervisior.

Academic Education

A Jungian analist in the International Association, and a member of the New Jungian Association. Jungian psitysychotherapist, Emek Israel academy, Art therapist, M.A Haifa University. B.A creative education , Kibbutzim college

contact Ayala Giivaty

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